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The Association of Parents of 

Notre-Dame-Du-Lac School


The Association of Parents of Notre-Dame du Lac (APENDL) school is governed by the present statutes and by article 60 following the Swiss Civil Code. It is independent both politically and religiously, while taking into account the denominational nature of the Institute.


The purpose of the Association is, in particular,

  • To establish collaboration with the school administration and the teaching staff in order to develop good conditions for education at the Institute, and to promote all school and extracurricular activities.​

  • Ensure a link between the parents (or the legal representatives of the students) and the Notre-Dame du Lac Institute.

  • The Association completely adheres to the goals and spirit of the school, being most notably the French education and Christian values.

  • The Association is entirely financed by the membership fees, donations and by fund raising events.

  • The membership fee is fixed at the AGM.

  • Payment of one membership fee per family is requested.

Our Mission

Members secure access space

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APENDL needs YOU!! If you have time and energy to help APENDL as a volunteer for upcoming events, please get in touch! Drop us an email on

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